Our analysis leads us to identifying investment ideas, and then to classifying investment strategies under the following six categories:
Asset Based Finance
ABF, also known as asset-based lending or commercial finance, has today emerged as a credible investment category worth trillions of dollars, and one with a proven, long-term track record.
Fixed Income/ Credit
For investors looking to diversify their portfolios beyond equities, or seeking to preserve capital and generate income, fixed income offers a wide range of options.
Regional/ Thematic
Regional investing aims to generate superior returns by gaining exposure to a fast-growing region. Thematic investing represents a conviction in a specific macroeconomic, geopolitical or technological trend – either nascent or well-established, or fast-evolving – that offers attractive opportunities to generate disproportionate returns.
Private Equity
Private equity (PE) is a multi-trillion-dollar asset class today. Typically structured as illiquid pools of capital with a lock-in period of several years, Private equity funds invest in unlisted companies with a view to generating a high rate of return.
Quantitative Investing
Quant investing involves the usage of tools such as advanced statistical and mathematical modelling, machine learning, computer systems and factor investing to estimate the optimal probability of undertaking a profitable trade.
Real Assets
By delivering income, offering protection against inflation, and ensuring diversification beyond equities and bonds, the category of Real Assets (Real Estate, Infrastructure & Commodities) merits consideration in the playbook of every yield-seeking investor in a yield-hungry world.
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